About Us

“Our mission is to make healthy balanced meals reachable to everyone. People prefer convenience and often make poor choices for easy fast-food. We believe that healthy meals should be ready and available to any person who makes the decision to fix their diet and live a healthy lifestyle.”

Hello, my name is Adriana. I am the Founder and Recipe Developer of Fit Fix Meals. Like many busy adults, I struggled to stay consistent with eating a clean diet. That was before I discovered “Meal Prepping,” it changed my life for the better. Since preparing my meals for the week in advace and acheiving my very own results, I discovered a passion for health and wellness. I have never been in better shape, even before marrigae and children. We all know what it takes to be healhy, but we may not always have the time, energy and the commitment to prepare lean healthy meals… AND this is WHY I decided to share my meals with the rest of you and FIT FIX MEALS was born. My hope and mission is that we can help you reach your health and fitness goals with the help of our ready to eat healthy and delicious meals. 

Hello, my name is Nick. I am Co-Founder and Head Chef of Fit Fix Meals. I am also a certified personal trainer and nutritionist. I have found success by following this simple mantra: “failing to plan is planning to fail.” Planning and preparing meals has played an integral role in the success of not just myself, but for my clients as well. I put forth all of my effort into educating clients through exercise and the delicious, nutritious food we prepare. My fascination for health and fitness contributes to my daily research, as I am constantly looking to improve my knowledge in this field. It is OUR goal to put in reach the tools you need for a successful and healthy journey. We want everyone who orders our meals to develop a healthy relationship with food and take the stress and guess work out of their diets. Our meals are made with love and with your goals in mind; we know what it takes because we have been through our own unhealthy stuggles and have persevered thanks to our meals. 

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